
Walk - Ride - Run
Luzerne County, Pennsylvania

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Calendar of Events

New Years Eve 5K on the Back Mountain Trail

December 31, 2024
bmt5k-logo-2023 bmt5k-start bmt5k-runner

Seven hundred eighty-five runners and walkers participated in this year's Back Mountain New Years Eve 5k. This, the third year for the event, was the largest ever.

We thanks all of our volunteers for making this another successful event.

Proceeds benefit the Anthracite Scenic Trails Association and several other non-profits in the area.

Gallery Race results

New Trail Maps and brochures

new racks

We now have new maps and brochures available at bike shops and selectied interstate rest areas.

View our maps

Volunteers clear the trail!

volunteer-leaf-blowers leaf-blowers

On November 11, an army of at least 18 volunteers worked to remove leaves from the the Back Mountain Trail. A new unofficial record of 17 leaf blowers were supplied by volunteers to make quick work of it!

The Back Mountain Triathlon is now history

Sandy Beach, Harvey's Lake

The Back Mountain and Harveys Lake races were a staple of the Triathlon community for over 35 years. In 2023, this rich tradition returned to the area for the Inaugural Back Mountain Triathlon! Congratulations to all who participated!

This event generated $20,000 for local charities, including $5,000 for ASTA. Thank you NEPA Racing!

Director Dave Bass has been chosen a Wyoming Valley 2023 Change Maker


Dave was one of the top 40 that was recognized on June 15th at the Light Up The Valley event on Public Sqaure in Wilkes-Barre.

Learn more

Back Mountain 5k Raises $20,500 for charities.

January 19, 2023

The 2022 Back Mountain 5K run / walk was a huge success! Over 400 participants ran for fun and for medals. They also ran to raise money for local charities. The funds raised went to The Anthracite Scenic Trails Association (ASTA), the Dallas Rotary, Verve Vertu, the North Branch Land Trust (NBLT), and Sleep in Heavenly Peace (Luzerne Co.).

In the photo: Seated (L-R): Mark Albrecht (Anthracite Scenic Trails Association); Gwen Harleman (Verve Vertu); Karley Stasko (North Brand Land Trust); Denise Ogurkis (Sleep in Heavenly Peace); Kim Reynolds (Dallas Rotary)

Standing (L-R): Rebecca Smith (Back Mountain Trail Council); Matt Sciabacucchi (BMTC); Kimberly Seward (ASTA); Richard Cochrane (ASTA); Ellen Ferretti (NBLT); Stephen Taren (Race organizer & Sponsor); Dave Bass (Race director & ASTA); Kayla Gronkowski (Race organizer); Beverly Atherholt (Dallas Kiwanis); Craig Yarrish (ASTA); Becca Hummel (ASTA); Patrick Sine (ASTA); John Koch (BMTC)

See the gallery!
We thank our generous volunteers and sponsors. Check them out!

Lehman-Jackson Elementary donates to ASTA

December 20, 2022

The Anthracite Scenic Trails Association thanks the students of Lehman-Jackson Elementary School and Mr. Adamshick for their very generous donation to the Back Mountain Trail. Donations like this are critical for maintaining, expanding and keeping the trail open for public use. We express our deep appreciation for the community mindedness and generosity of the students and faculty during this holiday season!

New Benches Installed

November 19, 2022
leaf blowing

A work crew installing a new memorial bench. Memorial and honorary benches are available for $2,000, and include the bench, installation, and a custom plaque. Contact the webmaster.

ASTA Receives second DCNR Grant
and DCED Grant

September 17, 2022

DCNR-logoThe Anthracite Scenic Trails Association has been awarded a grant from the Community Conservation Partnerships Program administered by the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR). This grant is for the improvement of the existing abandoned rail bed between Mountain Top and Laurel Run Borough (Oliver Mills). Combined with the TASA award and a DCED grant of $100,000, this represents almost one million dollars to this segment of the Delaware and Lehigh Trail, owned by ASTA.

ASTA Receives DCNR Grant

December 30, 2021

DCNR-logoThe Anthracite Scenic Trails Association has been awarded a grant from the Community Conservation Partnerships Program administered by the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR). This grant is for the design of a connector from the Back Mountain Trail in Luzerne Borough to Main Street in Edwardsville. This 1.3 mile trail will use land of the Luzerne County Flood Protection Authority.

See the award-letter

Hanover Township Receives PennDOT TASA Award for Mountain Top trail

April 20, 2022
Trail view

Hanover Towhship has been awarded a $1,000,000 Transportation Alternatives Set Aside grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT). This award is for the improvements to the existing rail bed from Mountain Top to near Laurel Run Borough in Luzerne County. Hanover Township is the municipal sponsor for this 5 mile segment of the Delaware & Lehigh Trail, which is owned and operated by ASTA. This trail segment will partially fill a significant gap at the northern end of the 165-mile Delaware and Lehigh Trail.

See the PennDOT press release

First Annual New Year's Eve Back Mountain Trail 5K Race

December 31, 2021
Leaf blowing

Almost four hundred runners turned out for the inaugural New Year's Eve Back Mountain Trail 5k Race. The trail offered a fantastic setting and a great great venue for this 5k for all skill levels. At least twenty volunteers assisted, and forty-one sponsors contributed to the event.

The 2021 race drew national attention.

Plans are underway for the 2022 New Year's Eve 5k featuring more registration slots and plenty of activities in Luzerne Borough preceding the race.

See the national article

Volunteers at work

October 16, 2021

Volunteers at work installing the latest memorial bench on the Bach Mountain Trail. This crew from Wilkes College were able to place the latest memorial bench, dedicated to Sharon Rice. Bench sponsorships are always welcome. Although some of our trails are short, many users appreciate the benches as a place to rest or just enjoy the trail atmosphere.

To volunteer, contact the webmaster.

Volunteers at work

November 20, 2021

Leaf blowingA line of volunteers at work blowing leaves off the trail. This crew from the Back Mountain Trail Council are using the powerblower, along with conventional blowers. With military precision, this group makes quick work of the clean-up.

To volunteer, contact the webmaster.

Upcoming events